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Tips For Properly Using Your New Lawn Sprinkler System

Getting lawn sprinklers installed means that you'll no longer have to stand for long stretches of time holding the hose, but sprinklers don't exactly mean that it's time to forget about the care of your grass. While your sprinklers can play a pivotal role in beautifying your yard, you still need to take somewhat of an active role to ensure that you use this system in the best way possible. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you get used to using your sprinkler system and look forward to it helping boost the visual quality of your yard.

Set The Timer For An Early Morning Watering

The timer on your lawn sprinkler system will make your life easier, but unless you take the right approach with setting the timer, you won't necessarily be doing your lawn any favors. The preferable time for setting the sprinkler timer is anytime between 6 and 8 a.m. Watering early in the morning is ideal because the grass won't be fully heated, which means that the cold water landing on the hot blades of grass won't cause scorching. Additionally, the sun will be able to dry the grass for essentially the entire day -- this is better than watering in the evening, when the grass can remain wet for a long period of time and lead to the growth of fungus.

Don't Overwater The Lawn

It might seem as though letting the sprinkler run for a long time will fully saturate your lawn and make it healthy, but it's possible to give the grass too much water. Overwatering the lawn by leaving your sprinkler running too long can flood the individual roots of the grass and kill sections of the lawn. Additionally, watering excessively is not environmentally responsible in areas with water shortages. While the exact length of time you should water the lawn depends on factors such as the frequency of rain and the type of soil in your yard, one approach is to water for about an hour once per week.

Fine Tune Your Sprinkler Trajectory

Remember that your sprinklers are doing the most good when they're distributing water across your lawn -- not on the sidewalk, your driveway, or worse, your neighbor's car parked in his or her driveway. Make the necessary adjustments to your lawn sprinklers -- and be sure to raise this issue with your contractor when the system is being installed -- so that the water will be landing where it needs to go.

For more information and tips, talk with the lawn sprinkler installer or click here for more info.