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Why You Shouldn't Consider Removing that Dead Tree Yourself

A dead tree can be hazardous to your family, your home, or your neighbors' property—and can result in thousands of dollars in bills, or a serious injury. Many homeowners consider removing dead trees themselves, which usually creates a world of problems. Don't even consider removing a dead tree without professional assistance. 

Most homeowners don't have the needed equipment

Large trees are a huge job to remove, and normally you'll need guide ropes and a good deal of mechanical equipment to get the job done. Climbing a dead tree with a chainsaw in hand isn't safe, and really it's not a viable option. Don't attempt it. At a minimum, you should have other people helping you, as well as tools that allow you to cut from the ground or a lift, for safety's sake.

Also consider what you're going to do with the dead wood once the tree is felled. Do you have a wood chipper, a way to haul the wood away, or a log splitter? 

Consider utility lines and your home

Often, large branches have to be removed before the tree can be felled to avoid your home, vehicles, and utility lines. If you don't have experience felling trees, it isn't as simple as you might imagine. You have to account for the angle of the ground, wind, the weight of one side of the tree versus the other, and so forth.

True, there are some people who can say, "The tree will land right there," and it does. However, those people are experts. They know the correct angle and cut to make this happen. If you decide to fell a dead tree yourself, make sure it isn't anywhere near a utility line or your personal property, and don't forget the neighbors. If you don't know exactly where the tree will fall, you shouldn't cut it. 

Your safety is worth more than money

The cost of having a tree removed by a professional is nothing compared to spending one day in the hospital. There are so many ways homeowners get hurt trying to remove trees themselves: a chainsaw slipping and cutting through an arm, a tree falling on the living room with family members inside, a tree falling on you when it falls the opposite way you thought it would, or splinters putting out an eye.

Yes, it's graphic, but these things really happen. People are electrocuted by power lines, fall from high branches, and unfortunately fatalities do happen, according to the CDC

Spending a little bit of money to have a professional such as A-1 Expert Tree Service cut down and remove a dead tree is ideal. You can stay inside and sip your favorite drink, watching from the living room window, while the professionals take care of it. So, kick back, stop sharpening your chainsaw blade, and call a tree removal service.